Kung Hei Fat Choi - May Prosperity Be With You
Been so busy the last few days; Valentine's Day last week and three family birthdays, Shrove Tuesday with delicious pancakes yesterday and Chinese New Year yesterday (19 February). Have also finishing off an additional colour way for the Tudor design - although the backgrounds are skip stitches rather than solid basketweave they still seem to take for ever!
Saffie's 1st Birthday present stitched in Myanmar |
As needlepoint designs some would work far better than others and I as a 'Rat' would definitely give mine a miss! Other symbols dependant on the day of the week the child was born seem to have more possibilities. The list - again by my guide in Myanmar - was
Monday Tiger is Fair of face
Tuesday Lion is Full of Grace
Wednesday (day time) Elephant with tusks is Full of Woe
(night time) Elephant
Thursday Rat Has far to Go
Friday Guinea Pig is loving and giving
Saturday Dragon works hard for a living
Sunday Legendary Bat But the child that is born on the Sabbath
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay!
There is also an English rhyme foretelling the new born's fortune which I have also included
Again if contemplating a pair of cushions or samplers two compatible beings would be most satisfactory. Fortunately Robert was born on a Monday and I on a Wednesday so a pair of Tiger and Elephant would work well.
That aside many of designs have wonderful ideas for needlepoint. Besides Chinoiserie there were rural scenes of the British Isles, London views, Greek motifs all with interesting borders - a dream for a designer as I hope you can see from this illustration
Finally a waste-paper basket continueing the Chinese theme. cautionary tale - always know of a professional who will make up an unusual item - the guy who did this for me has retired!
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