Scrap book Jottings

So, with, I imagine most people being bored with Brexit and
Trump I should like to share some of my thoughts with you and share the Autumn
class programme.
Firstly, and after all I am a devoted and enthusiastic stitcher – what have I been
This new technique of Shadow stitching – allowing the detail
of a hand-painted canvas to show through a ‘veil’ of lacy stitches – has
completely intrigued me. I have just
completed 2 designs, an Elderflower and a Lilac each with two different borders;
having got the bug I am now working on a deep rich colour way of the Lilac
(lilac does come in such wonderful colours) and for this one I am working just
corners of 4 borders, same borders different colour schemes - so people can see
the finished effect.

Clothing art is always something I have been frightened off,
probably as making up stiff canvas worked panels into a full garment can be
tricky (I am not good with a sharp needle!) however staying with my step
daughter she suggested applique canvas work panels to attach to an existing
denim jacket; the garment she had in mind is a wonderful lime green and coupled
with her favourite flower – the Marguerite I am very excited. We have also been able to find a company
that will make mules as well as slippers.
Will keep you up to date with progress.
I have even written a detective story – how ‘silly’ can that
be? Of course it is to do with one of my
designs and a new student who came to class.
Will post it shortly.
We still have our trip to Calabria in Southern Italy to look
forward to; on this trip so many of them
have been on many occasions that ‘free stitching’ is preferred. I check with everyone that they have everything
they need stitch-wise – having just run out of a thread in the US I know how
maddening that can be. We always have
one trip during our stay, this time they have requested Reggio de Calabria to
see the Riace Bronzes sculptures; some years ago we visited these mega pieces
while they were under conservation in the laboratory. Now we shall enjoy them in the museum and
see some of this coastal town. Mimmo
who has always been my trusted guide on these trips always gives us a most
interesting day and an excellent lunch!

Anyway I do have details if you are interested, the dates
are 28 April - 5th May 2019; let me know if interested; with only
accommodation for seven – places go fast.
I have already mentioned our trip to New Hampshire to visit
my step daughter and her family; we had a lovely time, relaxed, swimming and
with the AC even though it was as hot as London it was most comfortable. We had a great visit to the Glass Flower Museum,
part of the Harvard Natural History complex just outside Boston; a mind blowing collection of accurate
flowers, foliage and flower parts all made between 1860 and 1920s; each flower bud, each minute leaf or tendril
made from glass looking completely life-like.
As, in the past, I do like to share with you the exhibitions
and museums I have both been to and enjoyed.
This museum – including their collection of prehistoric animals
(absolutely enormous no wonder they didn’t survive) is definitely on my list of
recommendations should you be able to get there.
In London we recently went to the Frida Kahlo exhibitor at
the V&A, largely her eccentric clothes, head pieces and jewellery;
interesting, tempted me to wear long skirts or trousers if only to disguise my
compression stockings! But not necessarily a mecca for embroidery.
You probably remember my account of our visit to the Herb
Museum in Sansepolcro in my last blog, I think it is still top of my list of
Do you, as I try to do, keep a Travel Suggestions file, just
a record of places I hear or read about that sound of interest should we be in
the area? ‘Sofa seat travelling’ with a
trawl on Google will give you a taste of the place and its collection with you.
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