Golden Rules for perfect needlepoint

The many helpful tips one picks up on class, swapping ideas with groups of fellow stitchers or from the many excellent books on the subject cover a great deal; starting and finishing a thread, clean and dirty holes, using the right ply after stripping it to mention just a few. I could go on all day however I realised recently that there are some ‘rules’ that are applicable to all needlepoint, Florentine, Stitchery, Shadow stitching and even pieces worked entirely in Basket weave tent stitch. So to share my ‘golden rules’ with you Choose your design with care because you love it because it has good quality materials, even weave canvas, interesting threads and where necessary clear instructions . because It doesn’t work the design in ‘half cross stitch' which will distort the canvas and not give good weave. Similarly, should you work areas with basket weave (diagonal tent) there will not be sufficient thread. because, even though you love the design...