Holilday stitching

The Open House I held last week was a great success:  for the first time ever we had an early evening session in addition to the mid day one.  It enabled some working girls to come and see the designs and how different they are to what they originally thought of 'tapestry' - Old Master copies and Mermaids!

I even reconnected with someone I had seen for at least 25 years which was very special.  Should you and I have ever met do let me know, whether it was at the Mill outside Norwich, here in London or somewhere in the States, I should love to hear from you.

Very soon I am taking a small group on a stitching holiday to Italy;  we have been back to the same place 7 times, run by a family who grow all the food and make their own wine.  Nothing could be more perfect than sitting and stitching in such beautiful surroundings.  The 10 day forecast is in the upper 20s (one of the few things beyond my control!) so can't wait.

What to take on any trip is always a big question and making the decision is not easy.  Going to a place or even friends for the first time one doesn't know whether there will be an opportunity for stitching or whether the light will be good enough.  However my advice is always to have something 'just in case' - probably not to complicated or on fine canvas and, most important, with some of it started.

Personal experience has shown me that what can look right at the outset can, after some stitching, need another colour, a different size canvas, or sadly the design just doesn't work.   Just recently I took a Christmas panel away with bright reds and greens to be trimmed with a plaid ribbon - quick to work and a great idea - however, if I had sprayed the canvas gold before starting it would have been twice as much fun.  Too late, too late!   I shall have to stitch it again on a sprayed canvas.

Two ideas that make ideal holiday stitching are Kindle  and I-Pad covers.  The two shown here are both on 14 mesh canvas, can be bought with or without threads (use some of one's own stash) and make great Christmas presents.     Kindle cover
Best wishes


  1. I know some people with kindles who would love these covers...What a great idea!
    Stitchopedia…An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…


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